Essay Coaching + College Consulting
Steph Degodny is a Wow Certified Writing Coach and a seasoned educator. You will immediately connect with Steph as she helps guide you through the process of writing your application essays. Using a proven ten-step method and an innate passion for telling stories, Steph will empower and inspire you to become the expert writer of your own story. You will discover your unique voice and develop the skills necessary to not only write a successful essay for your application but to carry with you into your college toolbox.
Essay Coaching
Having gone through the college application process multiple times with her own kids, Steph truly understands what parents and students need. Steph prides herself on being a great communicator, quick responder, trusted ally, and stress reliever. With a seldom-found personal approach, Steph makes the parents feel like they are her only clients as she builds up their students’ self-esteem in the process. Steph works in person with students and creates a No-Nagging-Necessary experience for parents. Students can get into college without
College Consulting
The WOW Method for Essay Writing
Steph Degodny, M.Ed.
The Wow Method consists of ten steps. The first six steps will likely take up most of your time whether writing a personal statement or a supplemental essay. These steps are where you will focus on developing content, delving into your story, and figuring out why it’s significant.
The next two steps begin once you are set on content. In these steps, the focus is on the structure of the essay. Although there might still be some content revision, in general, these steps consist of restructuring the content you already have. You’ll go from the beginning to the end of your essay, revamping and adjusting until you have a cohesive essay. Instead of trying to focus on both content and structure at the same time as writers often do, developing content before moving on to structure makes revision easier.
During the final two steps of the process, your essay is almost finished. This is where you will enhance your piece and make it sparkle by focusing on making the essay more exciting to read and correcting any typos or grammatical mistakes. By waiting until the final steps to do this work, you avoid wasting time fixing sentences that ultimately don’t make it into the final draft anyway.
By following these ten steps, you’ll have a compelling college essay. The key is that each of these steps is very workable. By breaking it down like this into ten digestible bites, the entire writing process is so much easier for a student to successfully complete. Each individual step takes a manageable amount of time and effort, making the college essay writing process less intimidating and more approachable.