Does an ADHD Diagnosis say it all?

For many years, I have had the opportunity to partner with parents in understanding their children as they work toward planning their present and future. Inquiries from parents whose children have been diagnosed with ADHD range from finding appropriate educational settings to exploring options for growth and development after high school, encompassing academic, clinical, social, and emotional aspects. In today's world, many support options exist for both young adults and adults.  It is never too late to seek help.

It is important that we understand that our children, regardless of their age, require us to look beyond the 'label.' ADHD often coexists with other challenges, a concept known as 'comorbidity.' Our children are more than their symptoms, and ADHD may be accompanied by a range of other issues. These can include impulsive speech or actions, disorganization, learning differences, developmental delays, emotional regulation issues, and poor time management.  By delving into these various complexities and underpinnings influencing our children, we will be better equipped to support them and feel confident in their ability to accomplish their dreams.


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Greetings from the road!